欧美男模 Jorge Luis 和 Ricardo / Kevin Slack摄影作品

1551674321 LEAD 9 - 欧美男模 Jorge Luis 和 Ricardo / Kevin Slack摄影作品

“What I remember the most is what you don’t see. Besides booking two of my favourite muses, I had also booked a museum under construction, La Casa de los Marquéses de Arcos in Habana Vieja, The construction foreman was waiting to let us in. When the morning started, I was thrilled and nervous which quickly turned into terrifyingly distressed. One of the boys was nearly an hour late. And when I had finally collected the boys, and it was time to get to the museum, there was a city-wide marathon clogging nearly every street. A drive that would normally take about 10 minutes took over an hour. Nearly two hours late, we abandoned our trapped taxi in order to run the last bit to the museum – or rather walk quickly because Ricardo, who is kind and helpful, sweet and nearly always punctual, refuses to be observed rushing.“


摄影师: Kevin Slack | Website | Facebook | Instagram
模特: Jorge Luis
模特: Ricardo

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