GV男星Brian Bonds和Mason Lear在片场拍完Gay片后求婚!

2018071808373242 - GV男星Brian Bonds和Mason Lear在片场拍完Gay片后求婚!

GV届的一对情侣Brian Bonds(首图右)和Mason Lear近日在片场订婚,当时两人和其他男优们刚刚拍完群戏,还没来得及穿上衣服,Brian就向Mason求婚了,现场弥漫着湿漉漉的浪漫气息。Brian说,他和未婚夫将在拉斯维加斯举办婚礼。


“Well, this is the end of our tour and I can say that this was probably the best day that ever happened between us,” Bonds said to Lear while the cameras were still rolling.

“And I’d love to do it over and over again, but there is one difference that I want. I want you wearing this.”



2018071808372427 - GV男星Brian Bonds和Mason Lear在片场拍完Gay片后求婚!

2018071808372656 - GV男星Brian Bonds和Mason Lear在片场拍完Gay片后求婚!2018071808372827 - GV男星Brian Bonds和Mason Lear在片场拍完Gay片后求婚!2018071808372915 - GV男星Brian Bonds和Mason Lear在片场拍完Gay片后求婚!  2018071808373532 - GV男星Brian Bonds和Mason Lear在片场拍完Gay片后求婚!

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范时尚11 » GV男星Brian Bonds和Mason Lear在片场拍完Gay片后求婚!
