德国帅气肌肉男模 Martin Böldl / Georg Mayr摄影作品
这么久,小编终于找到一位德国的帅哥男模Martin Böldl了!这位小哥现在还是一名德国体育大学的学生,同时也是一名私人教练,喜欢踢足球。
Martin is a sports student from Bavaria in Germany. With working as a personal trainer he also wants to help others to reach their physical goals and shares his knowledge. As an athlete who does functional training and plays soccer, he knows his strengths and his body inside out. This helps a lot when standing in front of a camera for a modelling job. He knows how to move and flex – thanks to his great body condition. In addition to that, Martin very well knows how to mesmerise the viewers of his photos with his glance.
“Martin sure is very self-confident in his body and with himself which shows in the photos,“ – Photographer Georg Mayr on working with model Martin Böldl.