外网评出IG上一月最佳男模 Elliot Meeten, Roberto Bolle, Quincy Brown等上榜
最近外网评出了在Instagram上面的最佳男模榜单,不少新秀都在这榜单上。今天就让我们来看看哪些男模在这个榜单上吧。例如这些男模:Andres Sanjuan、Derek Chadwicks、Elliot Meeten、Fresh Faces、Manu Rios、Matt Law、River Viiperi、Ton Heukels、Toni Mahfud
“Happiest when I’m on the water! I need another vacation though. Where to next? ” @quincy
“A little #mondaymotivation for myself – throwback to Barcelona with warmer days and less fat ?” @simonhrm
“swimming in a sea of dreams… what’s your biggest dream?” @neelsvisser
“Always cross streets with caution ?” @edisonfanye
“In my mind he’s thinking” daaad not in front of my friends?”” @official_hogue
走纯风的Manu Rios,好可爱!!!
“layers 2222 my soul” @jaronbaker
“Morning dip” @oliver_cheshire
“au revoir Paris ??” @sashadidntwakeup
“Yesterday will be remembered as the Taco day ?” @xserrano9
“⚠️ LIFEGUARD ON DUTY. ⚠️ Anyone in danger!? ?” @riverviiperi
“So, yes, in case you’re wondering, my favorite colour is pink #pinkitwasloveatfirstsight” @therealtonheukels
“WARNING • No entry for any kind of fake vibes. Passing on your own risk. Real intentions only. • It’s been a while since you last heard from me, but I’m back now and wanted to wish you a successful and peaceful new year! Inspire, create, and break barriers! Not only just for yourself, but for the ones weaker than you too. ? Don’t get caught up on all these New Years resolutions around you. Focus on yourself and what’s the best for you and your close ones. Don’t get worked up over things you can’t change, or people you can’t change, and shouldn’t. If they don’t mean it, they can go. I’m sick of all these games. It’s not worth the enger build up or headache. Control only what you can and want. I know it’s easier said than done, but everything else LET GO. Expect nothing — appreciate everything.” @tonimahfud
“Le doy gracias a Dios por bendecir a mi Reina con su 24 años de vida. Te amo, cariño. #HBDRD” @keithpowers
“heard u” @altonmason
“Almost ready! #bolletour2019@teatrodegliarcimboldi @timandrijashenko@nicola_del_freo #rehearsal #studio#practice ? @sergiogoglia” @robertobolle
“Hey ?” @florianmacek
“Leaner is better ?” @elliotmeeten
“Back in Down Under ????? But Miss my baby girl already ? .” @stefan_pollmann
“A vida que eu quero ????” @mattclaw