Jimaye / Nicholas Hernandez摄影作品

006Fzy5igy1g0pnajgd0tj310o0m8dm1 - Jimaye / Nicholas Hernandez摄影作品

“”Jimaye is a fun model to work with! He is always upbeat and full of energy. In between shots he is always dancing and laughing.”

“Jimaye has recently crossed over to the fashion design world and has started his very own swimwear line. All the swimwear in the photos that he is modeling is from his own swimwear line “Jimaye”.”“ – Photographer Nicholas Hernandez on working with model Jimaye.


006Fzy5igy1g0pnahegkhj30m80etgn8 - Jimaye / Nicholas Hernandez摄影作品

006Fzy5igy1g0pnahrb6qj30m80et40i - Jimaye / Nicholas Hernandez摄影作品


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范时尚11 » Jimaye / Nicholas Hernandez摄影作品
